Setup Basic Cabinet, Dossier and Folder Structure

A cabinet is the highest partitioning of your logical repository. A dossier is a logical part of a cabinet. A dossier contains logical folders in which you store your data. You can have any number of cabinets, dossiers and folders. And you can use and refer to and from cabinets within an account.

Creating a Default Structure

In order to store your data in the database optimized for reuse and maintenance we suggest following the next setup of cabinets, dossiers and folders.

  1. Create a cabinet with the name of the Organization, Business, Concept or Solution you want to store data for, for instance: 'My Smart Demo Company'
  2. Create the following dossiers, for instance: My Smart Demo Company Structure, Strategy, Architecture, Transformation and Archive
  3. Create per dossier the following main folders: Data, Models, Relationships, Views, Visualizations, Scenarios, Atlases, Dashboards
  4. In the Strategy Data folder create subfolders with the data items that make up the strategy
    1. For instance: Identity, Stakeholders, Environment, Culture, Mission, Vision of themes, Values, Ambition, Strategic starting points, Goals, Objectives, Requirements and Issues
  5. In the Architecture Data folder create subfolders with the data items that are part of architecture
    1. For instance: Concepts, Elements, Principles, Building Blocks, Standards, Rules, Guidelines, Situations
  6. In the Structure Data folder create subfolders with the data items that are part of architecture
    1. For instance: Markets, Clients, Products, Services, Processes, Applications, Databases, Interfaces, Networks, Servers, Clients
  7. In the Transformation Data folder create subfolders with the data items that are part of your Business Change, Program and Project environment
    1. For instance: Business Cases, Programs, Projects, Deliverables, Milestones, Phases, Stages
  8. Create per model different subfolders in 'Models' with names like 'Enterprise Model 1' and 'Enterprise Model 2'. In this way, you can create and consider different scenarios and versions
  9. Do this also for the other folders like views and visualizations
  10. Make sure you use a Naming Convention and keep everything in the same language, like English

Screenshot Example Structure

dragon1 dossier structure

An Example Dossier Structure.