What is a Visualization?

Views for Stakeholders

A visualization (architecture visualization) is a graphical representation of a model or view (a filter of a model). The same model or view can be visualized for various stakeholders in different ways that resonate better with the mindset of the viewers.

There are many types of architecture visualizations. The visualizations are mainly used to manage transformation in companies.

dragon1 visualization

This Atlas page shows a generated Enterprise Architecture Blueprint.

The visualization above has been generated using a visualization template. The template is populated with an enterprise model (a set of related enterprise data entities).

On this visualization, you see four layers. Layers are typical for architecture visualizations. Each layer is a different perspective or view of the company. And this visualization brings all these views together into a comprehensive view.

The top layer of the visualization is the market layer and shows the markets, target audiences, products, goods, and services this company provides.

The layer below is the business layer, it shows the business domains, functions, processes, and roles the company has. Of course, you can visualize other items in a layer if that is more appropriate in your case.

In the applications layer the information domains, services, applications, data objects, and interfaces of the company are shown.

In the IT Infrastructure layer you see the infra domains, services, servers, networks, clouds, routers, hubs, gateways, switches, and firewalls that together form the IT of the company.

This visualization also gives you the insights that this or any company is a holistic whole. If you change one thing, it has an impact on many other things.

You see a few relationships in these visualizations. They show the dependencies processes have on applications and IT infrastructure components.

What is an Architecture Visualization?

Architecture is a set of concepts that are applied to a system or structure, where the concept principles (the working mechanisms of the concepts) explain how the concepts work and will provide benefits to the system or structure.

Given the provided definitions of architecture and visualization, an architecture visualization is a visualization of the concepts, principles, standards, and technologies of aspects of a system, structure, or solution.

The visualization above is an architectural visualization in the sense that at the right top of the visualization in the border, the concepts and principles are named. In the layer, you see the element (the functional parts of the concepts.

On the left border, you see the information that contains parts of the strategy. This strategy requires certain concepts, principles, and standards to be implemented in the company.

Dragon1 as a platform supports you in generating these kind of visualizations and creating these kind of visualizations.

dragon1 enterprise intelligence model

This visualization shows an overview of shapes per layer.

The visualization above is a generated diagram and can be accessed here for live viewing.

On Dragon1, it is made very easy to generate visualizations with any type of layers and column layout that contains these shapes. Here you can read more about how to generate visualizations

Interactive Visualizations

All the visualizations you create are generated in real-time from data from the .dragon1 File or data from the repository. This enables the visualizations to be interactive. This means that if you click on a shape, you get detailed information about the entity it represents. Also, it could be that if you click on a shape you are forwarded to another visualization or related document. This all depends on how the creator of the visualization has created his visualization.

Types of Architecture Visualizations

Dragon1 defines the following main classes of architecture visualizations:

  • Landscape
  • Roadmap
  • Blueprint
  • Design Sketch
  • Heatmap
  • Details Diagram
  • Overview Diagram

These types of visualizations can be used for the various common architectures in an organization, resulting in the following types:

  • Enterprise Framework
  • Enterprise Landscape
  • Enterprise Roadmap
  • Enterprise Blueprint
  • Enterprise Design Sketch
  • Enterprise Heatmap
  • Enterprise Artist Impression
  • Business Framework
  • Business Landscape
  • Business Roadmap
  • Business Blueprint
  • Business Design Sketch
  • Business Heatmap
  • Business Artist Impression
  • Data Framework
  • Data Landscape
  • Data Roadmap
  • Data Blueprint
  • Data Design Sketch
  • Data Heatmap
  • Data Artist Impression
  • Application Framework
  • Application Landscape
  • Application Roadmap
  • Application Blueprint
  • Application Design Sketch
  • Application Heatmap
  • Application Artist Impression
  • Technology Framework
  • Technology Landscape
  • Technology Roadmap
  • Technology Blueprint
  • Technology Design Sketch
  • Technology Heatmap
  • Technology Artist Impression
  • Security Framework
  • Security Landscape
  • Security Roadmap
  • Security Blueprint
  • Security Design Sketch
  • Security Heatmap
  • Security Artist Impression
  • Solution Framework
  • Solution Landscape
  • Solution Roadmap
  • Solution Blueprint
  • Solution Design Sketch
  • Solution Heatmap
  • Solution Artist Impression
  • Architecture Diagram
  • Concept Design Sketch
  • Principles Details Diagram
  • Process Application Landscape
  • Application Skills Landscape
  • Concepts Overview Diagram
  • Processes Overview diagram
  • Applications Overview diagram

On this Dragon1 Help, you will find an example of most of these types of visualizations.

Generating an Architecture Visualization

Dragon1 supports you in generating any type of visualization. Click on the link to read more about it.

Creating an Architecture Visualization

Dragon1 supports you in creating any type of visualization. Click on the link to read more about it.

Managing with Architecture Visualizations

Dragon1 supports you in managing with architecture visualizations. Click on the link to read more about it.