Dragon1 Inc. - A SaaS Software Company

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A SaaS Software Company Building Smart Companies

Dragon1 Inc. is a SAAS software company that develops Dragon1 Software (Enterprise Intelligence Software) and open Enterprise Architecture Method & Framework for Business Professionals.

With Dragon1, you generate and create complex holistic ENTERPRISE OVERVIEWS of your organization or parts of your organization. With these "Big Pictures" or interconnected visualizations, you can discover what your organization consists of, how everything is connected and dependent on each other, and especially what is not yet in the picture and forms the weak spots (security risks).

You can measure the concepts, principles, and standards that have or have not been applied. With this management information, insights, and overviews, you can filter, compare, and analyze your data, products, and services and ultimately make well-founded decisions to improve or change the organization.

You can use this Collaboration Platform as your personal Innovation Lab or your Team Workplace. You as a Business Professional can do Enterprise Architecture, Business Process Management, Concept Design, Business Modeling, Performance Management, Project Portfolio Management, Innovation, IT Management, Asset Management, etc. to build your SMART DIGITAL Company.

Dragon1 is a platform with a software suite of an EA Tool, ArchiMate Tool, UML Tool, BPM Tool, Togaf Tool, PPM Tool, and GRC Tool for designing new Business Concepts and Models.

Enterprise Architecture Management Suite

Enterprise Architecture Tool

Dragon1 as Enterprise Architecture Tool is a perfect Enterprise Architecture Tool. This web-based EA tool applies to every web browser and supports working with the Dragon1 EA Framework and TOGAF, BPMN, LOGICAL, and many others.

ArchiMate Tool

Dragon1 as ArchiMate Tool is a perfect ArchiMate Tool.

UML Tool

Dragon1 as UML Tool is a perfect UML Tool.

BPM Tool

Dragon1 as BPM Tool is a perfect BPM Tool.

Togaf Tool

Dragon1 as Togaf Tool is a perfect Togaf Tool.

Data Visualization Tool

Dragon1 as Data Visualization Tool is a perfect Visualize Data Tool.

Project Management Tool

Dragon1 as Project Management Tool is perfect for Project Management and Project Portfolio Management (PPM).

Any Business Professional can use these modern Dragon1 Tools.

The innovative and disruptive solutions of Dragon1 Inc. are used by LMEs, multinationals, and governmental institutions for risk management and governing digital transformation and Business & IT innovation.

Dragon1 gives visual control over the performance and management of your organization.

Company Members

Yaling Cheng

Enterprise Architect

Wendy Roosevelt

Chief Digital Officer

Svetlana Vitali

Startup Investor

Miguel Garcia

Project Manager

John Smith

Business Architect

Indrajit Gupta

Founder and CEO



Ainu Hayashi

Innovation Manager

Arjun Acharya

Enterprise Architect

Antoine Cuijpers

Management Consultant

Ad Paauwe

Trainer / Coach

Mark Paauwe

Sales Director

Talitha Wijnands

VP Strategy & Business Development