Published on 13 May 2017
ArchiMate is a modeling language that focuses on cross-domain modeling. It defines a core set of symbols/shapes to model the situation in three defined enterprise layers: business, application, and technology.
Archimate is not meant for full-scale process modeling, application modeling and network modeling. But it combines the best of these worlds. ArchiMate is about alignment.
Viewpoints and views are an important mechanism in ArchiMate to create diagrams. Viewpoints are seen as the place you look from (role-based) and views are seen as what you see (like a filter on the world).
With the symbols in ArchiMate, you can create viewpoints that result in views. A matrix for allowed and forbidden relationships makes sure that you only create meaningful diagrams.
In the ArchiMate business layer, you can model services, functions and processes. You can also model capabilities and activities (only with the Dragon1 extension).
In the application layer you mainly model services, databases and applications.
In the technology layer, you model services, nodes, and software.
The nice thing about ArchiMate is that you can model across the business, application, and technology domains.
License: Creative Commons License
Category: EA
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