Actor Definition

Dragon1 Icon for Actor
Dragon1 Icon for Actor

Dragon1 Definition for Actor:
An actor is an entity that participates in a process, such as a person, animal, plant, robot, application, organization, or system. An actor can be internal or external to the system and interact with other entities.

What is an actor? An actor is an entity that participates in a process, like a person, animal, plant, robot, application, organization, department, or system. An actor can be internal or external to the system, interacting with other entities.

For example, Students using a Campus Webshop are Actors and have the role of Shopper. Or People ordering in a Restaurant their dinner are Actors and have the role of Client.

When you model an actor, it is not common to model also the entity it embodies. Sometimes, it is wise to do so for the sake of understandability. If you model a process and use lanes, these lanes represent the roles that actors have.

The shape for the Actor is a wireframe person:

actor definition

'Actor' has important relationships with 'Role' and 'Responsibility'.

Types of Actor

Common types of actor are:

  • Business Actor
  • Process Actor
  • System Actor

Actors in Use Case Diagram

An actor has roles because of his position in a process. An actor is expected to perform certain tasks, being the responsibilities of their roles.

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