Enterprise Architecture Meta Model

About the Dragon1 Standard, V2.1 – Enterprise Architecture Meta Model

The Dragon1 method has a meta model defined, relating the most important entity classes. In the context of Dragon1, certain terms may have other meanings and definitions than in other contexts. Every term is defined as originally (with its original meaning) and measurable as possible to create a coherent whole.

Below, you see the Core Enterprise Architecture Meta model of Dragon1.

It shows the most important entity classes and their relationships with regards to Enterprise Architecture.

Every one of these entity classes is defined in the Glossary of Terms. This glossary contains over 300 terms. All these terms can be used here on the platform to model any architecture.

We are now going to walk through this meta model in six packages:

  • Architecture (the core)
  • Enterprise as Structure (the organization)
  • Strategy
  • Transformation and Projects
  • Stakeholders and Requirements
  • Design and Realization

1. Architecture (The Core Package)

As the meta model shows, an architecture consists of concepts and is a total concept of a structure.

Architecture helps us to deal with growing complexity and continuous change in enterprises when designing and building enterprise-wide solutions and innovations and implementing these.

An enterprise can be viewed as a structure.

A concept consists at logical level out of elements and at physical out of components. At implementational level components are converted into technical products.

Every concept has a principle that determines or reveals the way the concepts work (how the elements collaborate) producing results.

Architecture can have a style and orders by means of dominant or typical sets of elements and concepts. The are many types of architectures, and we focus here on architecture with enterprises.

2. Enterprise as Structure

In enterprise architecture, the primary structure that is (re)designed, changed, and becoming ever more complex, is the enterprise.

No matter how different enterprises are they still have common characteristics or assets that can be used to compare them and design them.

Structure wise every enterprise is a structure that consists of domains that contain functions. The function has a capability. By means of applying concepts, the capabilities need to increase.

In enterprise architecture not often complete enterprises are built, but solutions: integral and holistic parts of the enterprise, businesses, processes, and information systems. These solutions are meant to solve problems.

No enterprise operates solitaire. So in enterprise architecture, we are aware of the eco systems and the environment, the surroundings, of the enterprise structure.

3. Strategy

Every enterprise needs a direction. And that direction is given via the strategy. The strategy is a set of goals and actions creating a path towards a certain destination or ambitions. One can see this as a journey.

The strategy with its identity and goals and its stakeholders' mission, vision and needs provides input for the architecture.

4. Transformation and Projects

All the elements, components, and technical products that are mentioned in the (architecture) design need to be implemented. We do this in projects and define deliverables for all of the concepts, elements, components, and technical products.

5. Stakeholders and Requirements

Every enterprise has an owner/client and stakeholders. The primary stakeholders, like workers, customers, and managers are the ones that provide for requirements to the architect. The functional and quality requirements originate from the needs, issues and concerns of the stakeholders. They are used to create an architectural design (containing concepts and principles). Contractors finally build or realize solutions using the architecture design.

6. Design and Realization

The architect is a designer of total concepts and enterprise-wide solutions and a supervisor of the realization of the concepts and solutions.

Architecture designs contain concepts and principles to guide design and realization at a logical and physical level. The concepts and principles are visualized stakeholder oriented with viewpoints (their perspective) and views (what they see).

Common visualizations created by architects are concept design sketches, principle detailed diagrams, enterprise blueprints, application landscapes, and technology roadmaps.

For that he needs input from an approved strategy, an approved program of requirements (which he moderates) by the owner/client of the enterprise. The contractors need an approved design from the architect.

The stakeholders in various roles (as actor) are users of the structure.

Artist Impression

A more artistic impression of the core of the meta model you see below:

Overview Core Definitions

dragon1 open ea method core definitions

Architecting Solutions

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