Collaboration Platform for Enterprise Innovation

Dragon1 is an online collaboration platform for Enterprise Innovation

dragon1 collaboration platform

Dragon1 offers you a digital workplace with business tools and services to learn, create, share and control Strategy, Enterprise Architecture, Business Process Management, Project Management, Information Management, Application Management, IT Infrastructure Management and Auditing.

Users can do Business Diagramming, Mind Mapping, Concept Sketching, static and dynamic Enterprise Architecture Modeling, Business Process Modeling, Interactive Maps, Scenario Animation, Data Visualization, Business Analytics, and more.

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Dragon1 supports content creation for many content types, data visualization and business analytics.

On this page the following topics will be addressed for Dragon1:

  1. Digital Workplace
  2. Business Diagramming
  3. Enterprise Architecture (EA)
  4. Business Process Modeling (BPM)
  5. Document & Content Creation
  6. Data Sharing & Visualization
  7. Business Analytics, Dashboard and Performance
  8. Creating and Managing Catalogs
  9. Enterprise Search
  10. Knowledge Sharing
  11. Record and Store Audio
  12. Video Conference and Storage
  13. ePortfolio, Dragon1 Page and User Profiles
  14. Messaging, Chatting and Tweeting
  15. eLearning & ePortfolio
  16. Dragon1 Mobile Smartphone Business App

1. Digital Workplace

When you log in on the platform, you enter your personal digital workplace. Here you can see who your colleagues and team members are. You can connect with them easily and above all create and share content together.

The digital workplace offers you an overview of tasks, calendars, events, tools (applications) and services.

We offer four overlays with which you can compose, shape and color your own personalized workplace. You can choose from various items for Learn, Create, Share and Control.

2. Business Diagramming

What do you do on Dragon1? Most people will create and share business diagrams in order to manage and control strategy, architecture and projects or another management area.

The tools enable you to do any kind of business diagramming you want or like. There are over 250 types of Diagrams as examples available to you. Check the page with example types of business diagrams to generate and create on the platform.

The business diagrams you create can be exported in .dragon1 files and can be viewed offline with the dragon1.exe viewer, just like adobe acrobat pdf files.

3. Enterprise Architecture

Dragon1 started out as an EA Modeling tool using TOGAF, Dragon1 and ArchiMate as methods, frameworks and languages to work with. And it is still a perfect choice to use for EA. Dragon1 is the first cloud-based EA Tool ever suited for LMEs.

You can design any architecture, visualize for any stakeholder supporting decision making and create 2d and 3d building blocks and user-defined symbols for any type of architecture in an organization and publish them for reuse by others.

4. Business Process Modeling

Dragon1 supports BPM Modeling to the max with BPMN, but also with EPC (Event Process Chain). And you can also make the standard diagrams more communicable by adding some Dragon1 architecture visualization aspects to them.

5. Content Creation and EA Repository

On Dragon1 you can do content creation, publishing and sharing by yourself or in a group/team. You can create text documents with pictures and export them to MS Word, and you can present documents and export them to PowerPoint.

There are over 250 default entity classes, like product, service, process, application, computer, etc., you can administer information for in an EA Repository.

If you create models, views and visualizations with information about the stored entities, you can insert the models, views and visualizations in your text document and presentation documents.

6. Data Visualization & Sharing

Not only application models and process models can be generated and created beautifully. You can also generate and create nice-looking and strategically very important visuals of any other model or content you can think of.

You can generate and create clickable maps of any kind of information together with a popup dialog showing more detailed information about a selected item.

7. Business Analytics, Dashboard and Performance

Dragon1 enables you as a user to create and generate any kind of report you like on any kind of data you like. If you want to create a data visualization or graph based on imported data, you can. If you want to enter manual data and use it to create a comparison of the data for certain aspects, you can.

On Dragon1, it is possible to set up and publish your own management dashboards and visualize and monitor the enterprise performance.

8. Creating and Managing Catalogs

On the platform, you can enter a software application or a business process or lists of applications and processes. But you can also create and manage catalogs of applications and processes in order to publish that information in such a way more reuse of that information is established. That requires obviously a lot of information to be stored. But here the catalog application comes into play.

The catalog application enables a large group of people to collaborate on filling or stimulating to fill up the information for the catalog. If a manager notices that an application that is very expensive is hardly used, and hardly any information is known about it, how will employees start to use the application or managers start to reuse the application?

Example catalogs created by users are: Incidents & Problems List, Products and Service Catalog, FAQ, and Software Application Guide.

9. Enterprise Search & Viewer

When Dragon1 contains a lot of process and application information and more about your organization, looking up the data can become hard. Dragon1 Enterprise Search enables you to find quickly any data in the software tool based on tags, categories, names and description search. Just like you are used in Google.

Only if you have published content on the Dragon1 platform to be found by others (inside or outside your company), it can be found by them compliant with your publishing rules.

The Viewer tool can be used by people to view publicly published (static and interactive) content without having to login in. Content can also be published privileged and private, which means you still have to log in.

10. Business Portal and Knowledge sharing

The tool (application) for sharing management information is called Resource Center. That is, in fact, a wiki-like mini-website. This Resource Center you can use to put knowledge (of people, about or in the organization) and background information on how you would like people to use when working on Dragon1.

If the collaboration platform, for instance, is used as the EA Modeling tool, then the Resource Center could contain information and downloads on Mission, Vision, Strategy, Projects, etc. You can also use the Resource Center as your intranet, extranet, company wiki or as your employees' business application portal, such as the Dragon1 catalogs you have defined per business function.

11. Record and Store Audio

In Dragon1 you can record an audio message and save it, next share it with other users and publish it on your Dragon1 page or profile. You can also administer and store audio files from external URL resources in your Dragon1 cabinets.

In this way you can create your own music or sound database. On the visualizations you generate and create, you can link sounds to play to a mouse action. You can model, for instance, an interactive zoo-logical overview of the place you live in.

12. Video Conference and Storage

As a user, you can record a video message and save it and next share it with other users and publish it on your Dragon1 page, profile or ePortfolio. You can also administer and store video files from external URL resources (like YouTube) in your Dragon1 cabinets.

In this way you can create your own music video or tutorial database. On the visualizations you generate and create, you can link videos to popups and play to a mouse action. You can create for instance an interactive overview of a marketplace and have every participant introduce themselves via video.

13. ePortfolio, Dragon1 Page and User Profiles

Every user has a Dragon1 page ([username] and a profile page which he or she can edit and fill with information just like a Facebook page or LinkedIn page. You can decide for yourself what you want to administer and/or share for data with others.

Organizations have an organization page ([organization].

If you want to promote your services or bring your working experience under attention, you can create an ePortfolio and have it found by Google.

14. Messaging, Chatting and Tweeting

Just like in Twitter you can chat away on Dragon1. Every user has an email address and can be reached with your personal and private chat messages, but also you can send invitations and notifications to email addresses outside of Dragon1. Dragon1 Messages work with hashtags like you are used to.

You can chat with groups and comment on chats. So after you have created your content, you might want to make it known to others by sending a message. And if users ask questions you can answer and/or comment on these and share your content links.

15. eLearning

One of the very unique content types is the eLearning Module. With that, you can publish your content as eLearning courseware. Users that have access to the eLearning Module can play their eLearning course. Dragon1 records the user's behavior for later analysis by the Cours Provider.

16. Dragon1 Mobile Smartphone Business App

Users can work with Dragon1 on iPad, Laptop and PC, but also with the Dragon1 Business App.

More information about Dragon1 as Collaboration Platform for Enterprise Innovation

Please contact us for more information about Collaboration on Enterprise Innovation. Send an email to or call +31 (0)317 411 341.

Here are some links about Enterprise Collaboration Platform giving you a broader overview of what it is.

  1. 20 Contemporary Enterprise Collaboration Tools
  2. Icoblog Collaboration Wordpress
  3. Wikipedia > Enterprise Content Management

Architecting Solutions

DEMO: Capability Mapping Software

Generate a Change Impact Analysis - Projects Apps Capabilities

Use any repository or Excel Sheet
DEMO: BPMN Onboarding Process Example

DEMO: BPMN Onboarding Process Diagram - Measure Rules Compliance

Manufacturing, Financial Solutions
DEMO: Enterprise Architecture Blueprint Template

DEMO: Generate an Enterprise Architecture Blueprint to discover and solve RISK

Banking, Logistics, Healthcare
DEMO: Process Application Map

DEMO: Generate Process Application Landscape for RPA

Retail, Agriculture, Energy, Oil & Gas
DEMO: Strategy Map Template

DEMO: Generate Strategy Map for CLOUD ADOPTION

Government, Logistics, Banking
DEMO: Data Mapping Software

DEMO: Generate Application Portfolio Diagram

Automotive, Financial Services, Health Care