Project Management

Dragon1 as Visual Project Management Software

agile project management

Visualize Projects and Control them

Dragon1 is an online enterprise collaboration platform and it is fit for Project Management. Any Project Portfolio can be modeled, visualized, designed, analyzed, monitored, and managed.

On this page, we will outline how you as Business Professional can use Dragon1 for Project Management. Turn projects into success stories and keep them from failure.

First of all: What is Project Management?

Project Management is a process and a series of activities for planning, organizing, motivating & controlling resources, procedures & protocols to achieve specific goals and objectives in scientific or everyday problems.

That said, people can use a tool for Project Management to control the resources and planning much better.

Project Solution Architecture Designs

The Dragon1 Enterprise Architecture platform offers you the possibility to create products from scratch without any help. But you can also choose to edit a pre-filled template and work from a checklist.

For instance, the following products are often created by project managers: Project Architecture Landscape Map, Project Planning (GANTT Chart), Work Breakdown Structure, and Project Team Organization Chart. For every product a checklist and a prefilled, re-usable and editable template is present.

Dragon1 defines a new artifact: the Project Landscape Map. A Project Landscape Map is a generic overview of the structure or architecture of the project organization itself.

project landscape

You model and visualize your own Project Landscape Map and use it to report the status and progress of the structure of your project.

Read more about the Project Landscape Map Definition here.

A smart IT Project Auditing Checklist

Read the Blog: a Smart IT Project Auditing Checklist

You can be very productive with project management. You can follow the steps in the checklist and make sure your IT project does not fail.

This checklist walks you through steps like:

  1. Concept / Solution Definition
  2. Design Assignment
  3. Business Case
  4. Program Of Requirements
  5. Project Plan
  6. Design
  7. Architecture
  8. Test Plan

The success of a project depends significantly on the availability and alignment of milestone products. This checklist focuses on having certain milestones available and aligned in the project.

Download the Basic and Detailed Auditing Checklists for IT Projects here.

Project Portfolio Management

You can do Project Portfolio Management the way you want to do it. You can even manage several project portfolios.

gantt chart

Because of this, you can scan, compare, link, and analyze things across projects. So do some tracking and tracing. For instance, to provide, for example as a consultancy organization, data to your customers about how many projects work with a valid and signed-off financial business case.

Project Rationalization

You can model and visualize not only the subject or object that is designed and created by the project, but you can also model and visualize the project's structure. This enables you to ask the why & how-to questions and with that to do some rationalization on the project's subject and the project structure itself.

A lot of templates are available. Watch examples of the data visualization templates here.

Project Concepts and IT Infrastructure Principles

It is not only important to know the structure of your project concepts and IT Infrastructure principles at a logical, physical, and implementation level. In relation to your enterprise strategy, it is more than important to know the project concepts and the IT Infrastructure principles at a conceptual level.

Dragon1 as Visual Project Management Tool

Project Management Tools (PM Tools) like Dragon1 support designing and architecture of Project Management solutions at a high level. You can create a Project Landscape Map to design the best Project Architecture. And you can manage your project using a Project Management Dashboard. Also, you can create products like a GANTT Chart, a Work breakdown structure, or a Product breakdown structure.

Architecting Solutions

DEMO: Concept Mapping Software

How to generate diagrams using Excel on Dragon1 EA Tool

Learn to generate diagrams using repositories
DEMO: BPMN Onboarding Process Example

DEMO: BPMN Onboarding Process Diagram - Measure Rules Compliance

Manufacturing, Financial Solutions
DEMO: Enterprise Architecture Blueprint Template

DEMO: Generate an Enterprise Architecture Blueprint to discover and solve RISK

Banking, Logistics, Healthcare
DEMO: Data Mapping Software

DEMO: Generate Application Landscape for SECURITY

Automotive, Financial Services, Health Care
DEMO: Strategy Mapping Software

DEMO: Generate Strategy Map on how to INNOVATE with AI

Government, Logistics, Banking
DEMO: Process Application Map

DEMO: Generate Landscape for RPA AUTOMATION

Retail, Agriculture, Energy, Oil & Gas