What is an Area?

An area is a basic building block of a template.

An area groups data, shapes, and icons and places them in a location on a canvas.

The diagram below shows an example of areas grouping certain data/shapes.

Together areas form a reusable visualization template.

dragon1 areas

Different Areas in a Visualization template.

Create an Area

An area can be created via the Data Manager.

An area can also be drawn on a canvas via the Viewer in Edit mode.

Read more on how to create an area.

Specification of an Area

An area is specified in JSON as follows:

{"class":"area", "id":"1", "visualizationid":"1000","name":"Process Block", "templateid":"1", "x":"100", "y":"100", "width":"400", "height":"300", "layout":"columns", "rows":"2", "columns":"5","dataclass":"application", "dataattribute":"tags", "datavalue":"outdated"}

An area can be linked to a visualization and/or to a template. A template can be linked to a visualization.

Optionally, one can use a dataid to specify only 1 data object.