Overview of Entity Classes

Entity Classes List

Here follows an overview of default entity classes:

  1. Ability
  2. Action
  3. Activity
  4. Actor
  5. Ambition
  6. Animal
  7. Application
  8. Archifact
  9. Architecture
  10. Artifact
  11. Assignment
  12. Assortment
  13. Assumption
  14. Atlas
  15. AtlasPage
  16. Background
  17. Baseline
  18. Behavior
  19. Blog
  20. Book
  21. BookPage
  22. BuildingProcess
  23. BuildingProcessPhase
  24. BuildingProcessPhaseActivity
  25. BuildingProcessPhaseActivityProduct
  26. Business
  27. Cable
  28. Capability
  29. Case
  30. Catalog
  31. Change
  32. Channel
  33. Client
  34. Cloud
  35. Collaboration
  36. Company
  37. Competence
  38. Component
  39. Computer
  40. Concept
  41. Concern
  42. Configuration
  43. ConfigurationItem
  44. Constraint
  45. Construction
  46. Content
  47. Context
  48. Contract
  49. Control
  50. Country
  51. Course
  52. CourseModule
  53. Culture
  54. Database
  55. Datasource
  56. DataType
  57. Decision
  58. Decoration
  59. Definition
  60. Deliverable
  61. Delivery
  62. Department
  63. Design
  64. DesignFragment
  65. Device
  66. Disability
  67. Document
  68. DocumentFormat
  69. DocumentPage
  70. DocumentTemplate
  71. Domain
  72. Dossier
  73. Driver
  74. Drone
  75. Element
  76. Enterprise
  77. Entity
  78. EntityClass
  79. EntityClassAttribute
  80. EntityInstance
  81. EntityClasses
  82. Environment
  83. Era
  84. Event
  85. Example
  86. Facility
  87. Firewall
  88. Flow
  89. Forecast
  90. Formula
  91. Frame
  92. Framework
  93. Function
  94. Gap
  95. Gateway
  96. Glossary
  97. GlossaryTerm
  98. Goal
  99. Group
  100. Hardware
  101. Help
  102. Hub
  103. Human
  104. Identity
  105. Image
  106. ImportedData
  107. Indicator
  108. Infrastructure
  109. Input
  110. InstanceModel
  111. Institute
  112. Interest
  113. Interface
  114. Internet
  115. Issue
  116. Knowledge
  117. Lane
  118. Language
  119. Layer
  120. Lesson
  121. LoadBalancer
  122. Location
  123. Machine
  124. Mainframe
  125. Market
  126. Material
  127. Meaning
  128. Measure
  129. Metamodel
  130. Method
  131. Milestone
  132. Mission
  133. Model
  134. ModelingLanguage
  135. Module
  136. Money
  137. Need
  138. Network
  139. Node
  140. Norm
  141. Note
  142. Object
  143. Objective
  144. Operation
  145. Order
  146. Organization
  147. OrganizationEnvironment
  148. Output
  149. OwnerClient
  150. Page
  151. PageFrameLayer
  152. Pattern
  153. Payment
  154. Performance
  155. Person
  156. Perspective
  157. Phase
  158. Phenomenon
  159. Plateau
  160. Platform
  161. Policy
  162. Pool
  163. Presentation
  164. Principle
  165. Process
  166. Product
  167. Program
  168. Project
  169. ProjectItem
  170. Proposition
  171. Protocol
  172. PublicationStatus
  173. QualityAspect
  174. Report
  175. Request
  176. Requirement
  177. Resource
  178. Result
  179. Risk
  180. Robot
  181. Role
  182. Router
  183. Rule
  184. Scenario
  185. Server
  186. Service
  187. Shape
  188. Site
  189. Situation
  190. Software
  191. Solution
  192. Space
  193. Stakeholder
  194. Standard
  195. Startingpoint
  196. State
  197. StateObject
  198. Storage
  199. Store
  200. Strategy
  201. Structure
  202. Switch
  203. System
  204. Target
  205. Task
  206. Team
  207. TechnicalProduct
  208. Technology
  209. Template
  210. Test
  211. TextEffect
  212. TextItem
  213. Theme
  214. Time
  215. Topic
  216. Trigger
  217. Tutorial
  218. Type
  219. Use
  220. User
  221. UserAccess
  222. UserMessage
  223. UserRole
  224. UserTask
  225. UserTaskList
  226. UserTeam
  227. UserTool
  228. Value
  229. Version
  230. Video
  231. View
  232. Viewer
  233. Viewpoint
  234. ViewpointItem
  235. Vision
  236. VisualItem
  237. Visualization
  238. VisualizationFrame
  239. VisualizationLayer
  240. Website
  241. Wizard
  242. Workplace